Monthly Archives: June 2012

NYC Photo Blog

Hello NYC!

First Day of summer at Rockaway Beach,Queen,New York
Temperature was almost 100F
After few days of extreme heat wave, New York got some rain Friday afternoon.
Saturday was just a beautiful and playful day.This Photo was taken in Central Park one of my favorite hangouts place.
There was music by “That Guitar man from Central Park” Mr.David Ippolito

And of course there was a play-Hamlet.Summer with out Play in the Central Park..I hope no one can imagine!
Hamlet was performed by Boomerang Theatre Company
New York City is really a diverse city.That’s why we say “I Love NY”
All photos by Sahadev Poudel

“Nepal,on the Brink of Collapse” पढे पछी

न्यु योर्क टाइम्समा  SEYOM BROWN र  VANDA FELBAB-BROWN  ले नेपालको बर्तमान राजनीतिक अवस्थाको बारेमा लेखेको लेख मैले २ पटक जस्तो अनलाइनमा र २ पटक जस्तो पत्रिकामा पढे|यसपालिको यो लेखले मलाई  एक छिन सोच मग्न बनायो  र नेपाललाई माया गर्ने म जस्ता लाखौ पाठकहरुको मनमा  यो लेख पढे पछी चिसो पनि पस्यो होला |लेखमा कुनै मन गढ़नते विचारहरु छैनन्|यो चिसो पस्नु को कारण लेखकहरुले नेपालको एउटा डरलाग्दो चित्र  प्रस्तुत गरेकोले हो|यो लेखमा निकै सत्यता छ तर त्यो सत्यता भने मिठो छैन|
यो लेख लेख्ने Seyom Brown, Southern Methodist University का प्रोफेसर र Vanda Felbab Brown ,  Brookings Institution का fellow हुन|उनीहरुले नेपाल एक असफल राष्ट्रको संघारमा रहेको आसय यो लेख मार्फत प्रस्तुत गर्न खोजेका छन्| र कसरी यो संघार बाट जोगिन सक्ला? उनीहरुले आफ्नो तर्क  राखेका छन|
नेपालमा के भैरहेको छ  त्यो सम्भबत:तपाइले पनि नजिक बाट अबलोकन गरिरहनु भएको होला|
मैले यो लेखलाई  एउटा “FIRE ALARM “को रुपमा लिएको छु |आशा छ यो लेख पढे पछी नेपालका सम्बन्धित राजनीतिककर्मीहरु, र जो जस संग संबन्धित छन  उनीहरु अलि बढी “अलर्ट” हुने छन, जाग्ने छन् |र अन्तरास्ट्रिय समुदाय पनि अझै चनाखो हुने छन् (Positivly )|
यो लेख प्रकासित भए पछी सामाजिक संजाल फेसबुक र ट्वीटरमा  बिभिन्न व्यक्तिहरुले यसरी आफ्नो प्रतिक्रिया ब्यक्त गरेका छन|
फेसबुक र ट्वीटरमा प्रकाशित बिचारहरु जस्ताको त्यस्तै खिचेर राखिएको छ|

Theatre Review: MURDER IN THE FIRST: A Cunning Performance

Theatre Review:

MURDER IN THE FIRST: A Cunning Performance

By Sahadev Poudel

Good plays recreate lives and make audiences to live with it during the performance.

The play “Murder In The First” by Dan Gordon is inspired by a real moving story. It is set on 1941 in San Francisco. It tells the story of a murderer, a lawyer and raises the questions of Alcatraz jail’s safety situation and deals with murderer’s psychological states. The story of public defender lawyer, who recently graduated from Harvard Law School and a murderer who wants to, die rather than go back to the Alcatraz jail, seized my eyes and heart.

The 59E59 Theaters introduce, ” Murder In the First is a gripping drama about the murder trial that blew open the deplorable treatment of the prisoners at Alcatraz, the most notorious correctional institution in U.S. history. The stage version of Dan Gordon’s 1995 film explores the unlikely friendship that develops between the young, idealistic attorney and the prisoner that he was brought in to defend.”

The whole play is setting in the courtroom, prison cage and lawyers’ office. I specially liked the set design; the transitional music is very soothing and lighting is perfect. There is a scene of nudity, which looks very artistic due to the lighting. But more than that, I liked the performances of the 15-actor members. Their exceptional performance is so moving. Based on the play’s structure, actors have more lines and less blocking, But they deliver their love, emotion, pain and suffering from heart to heart. When they deliver the lines, they live with it and make audiences to believe it. The public defender character played by Guy Burnet and a murderer played by Chad Kimball are sparking and touchy. I imagine playing one of these characters. The other characters such as Judge played by Thomas Ryan and Journalist played by Ian Holcomb also gave extra power to the play. Every actor’s role is very important in the play. They should be in the same page, even the character that has short roles.

Plays are the product of writer, director and actor. If all these three elements spin together, the beautiful wind of the performance could touch the audience’s heart and capture the eyes. I proudly keep the  “Murder In The First” in the perfect play category.

Because of the edgy performance, I was seating at the edge of the chair for 2hours 15min.I was so careful to blink my eyes because I don’t wanted to miss a bit. This is one of the few plays I will remember for long time.

The play is also based on the movie with same title by the same author. After all, not all plays create equally, so if you are in New York City and would love to watch Off Broadway plays, you would regret if you missed “Murder In The First.” This play recreates lives and makes you to live with it during the performance.

More info:

“Murder In The First” is showing on E59E theatre in Manhattan, NYC. Produced by The Directors Company, in association with Chase Mishkin, Barbara & Buddy Freitag and Invictus Theater Company present the run.

From May 25-July 1,2012

Tickets are available by phoning (212) 279-4200 or online at

Photo from     Twitter profile   Kimmmmmmm ‏@kimberlycoyle             Image

Sahadev Poudel is a radio and theatre artist. He lives and studies in New York.

He also produces Online Radio-HimaliSworharu (

MoMa Moments-Photo Blog

न्यु योर्क शहर कला म्युजियमहरुको शहर हो|यहाँ थरि थरिका कला संग्रालय,प्राकृतिक संग्रालय,रिप्लिजको बिलिभ और नट अथवा वाक्स म्युजियमहरु छन|प्राय:जसो संग्रालयको प्रवेश शुल्क आफ्नो इछ्या  अनुसार तिर्दा हुन्छ भने कतिमा भने $२०/$२५  शुल्क तिर्नु पर्छ|तर  म्युजियम अफ मोडर्न आर्ट (MoMA)मा भने हरेक शुक्रबार नि:शुल्क प्रवेश पाइन्छ|यो नि:शुल्क प्रवेश Target ले प्रायोजन गरेको हो|जून १,शुक्र बारको दिन  काम सके पछी म पनि घुम्दै फिर्दै म्युजियम पुगे|बिसेष गरेर मलाई Cindy Sherman को प्रदर्शनी हेर्ने रहर थियो|

म्युजियमको कुनै कुनै प्रदर्शनीको तस्बिरहरु भने खिच्न पाईन्न|एक दूई घण्टा म्युजियम तिर घुमेर मैले केहि  खिचेका केहि  तस्बीर हरु तपाईलाई देखाउदै छु|
Photos from The Museum of Modern Art(MoMA)
New York City
Photos by Sahadev


चलचित्र हाइवेको गीत “पप्लु”हेर्नु भयो?

 नेपाली चलचित्र “हाइवे”को एक मात्र गीत “पप्लु” को भिडियो  अनलाईन मार्फत रिलिज गरिएको छ|गीतमा समाबेश गरिएको भिडियो क्लिप्समा डान्स बार,माया पिरती,सेक्स,अल्कोहल,चुरोट,नग्नता,टेन्सन,रमझम सबै छ,चलचित्र “हाइवे”को उतार  चढाब छ गीतको दृश्यहरुमा| 
आइटम गीत जस्तो देखिए, सुनिए पनि यो गीत चलचित्रमा जबरजस्ती आइपुग्दैन र आइटम गीतको रुपमा प्रयोग भएको होइन भन्ने मा म ढुक्क छु |के होला कस्तो होला?गीतले अबस्य पनि चलचित्र प्रति उत्सुकता भने जगाएको छ|
असार १ गते देखि प्रदर्शनमा आउने भनेको चलचित्र “हाइवे” परिबर्तित राजनीतिक अबस्थालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै  जुलाई २०,साउन ५  गते नेपालमा प्रदर्शन हुदै छ|प्रस्तुत गीतमा शिवानी मुक्तानको स्वर,भुपेन्द्र खड्काको शब्द र मनोज केसी को संगीत छ |गीतको  शब्द ,संगीत,स्वर र कोरियोग्राफको “इनर्जी”   भने   नेपाल बन्दमा अलपत्र परेको पात्रको जस्तो देखिन्छ|
More Info : 

Starring Karma, Saugat Malla, Reecha Sharma, Binaya Shrestha, Eelum, Dayahang Rai, Rajan Khatiwada, Asha Magarati, Shristi Ghimire, Mamata Rai, Sandip Chhetri, Bhumika Shrestha, Keshav Bhattrai and introducing BBC’s Rabindra Mishra to the big screen

Directed By Deepak Rauniyar

Written By (story) Kedar Sharma, Khagendra Lamichhane and Deepak Rauniyar

Screenplay By Abinash Bikram Shah

Produced By Executive Producers Dr. Sameer M Dixit and Dr. Lonim P Dixit, co-producers Joslyn Barnes and Danny Glover